It always happens so quickly, but here we are again, flying into the end of December.  With mere days left in the holiday shopping season, what can retailers do to get those last-minute shoppers into their stores?  Here are 3 easy tips to keep in mind for the final rush.  

1.     Studies have shown that 70% of shoppers say they still have shopping to do in the last week before Christmas.  I confess I am one of them.  Often, this is because they are overwhelmed, stressed and unsure about what gifts to purchase.  Therefore, it is important to keep the shopping experience as friendly and helpful as possible.  For brick and mortar shops, this is where your employees’ customer service skills really come into play.  Keep your strongest salespeople out on the floor, not behind the counter.  Encourage them to empty shoppers’ hands and/or hand out baskets.  Paco Underhill reported 75% of people who take a basket actually buy something, versus 34% who don’t.  Also, simply asking “Who else is on your list?” can really help drive sales since you can then guide shoppers to specific items that they might find to be the perfect gift.  In addition, work on creating a welcoming atmosphere in the entire store.  Keep the outside of the shop looking festive, keep the inside of the shop neat and clean and consider offering free holiday beverages or snacks.  This all draws customers in and when they feel like they are in the holiday spirit, they might be more inclined to purchase something. 

2.     Boost your mobile and social advertising.  In these last few days, shoppers are scrambling to cross everything off their lists.  Most likely they will have their phones in hand, searching for quick shipping options, store hours, “where to buy,” etc.  Increasing your mobile advertising efforts will get shoppers’ eyes on your products at a time when they are under the gun and ready to buy.  You can also draw attention to your products through social media.  Beyond using it to showcase gift ideas or sales, you can also use it to promote in-store events or giveaways.  You can even invite customers to share their ugly Christmas sweater photos, cookie recipes or home holiday décor – anything fun to increase engagement and hopefully, drive traffic to your store. 

3.     Don’t forget that shopping doesn’t end after Christmas!  Some shoppers are eager to get back into the stores to use gift cards they received, return unwanted gifts or take advantage of sales.  Mobile searches for “Christmas” + “clearance” have grown significantly over the last few years.  Make it a point to engage with these customers in the days between Christmas and New Year’s Day.  You can clear out excess inventory by offering massive end of year sales that shoppers won’t be able to resist. 

We really are so close to the finish line.  It’s time to pull out all the stops to grab those last-minute shoppers, especially this last weekend before Christmas.  Hopefully, these tips will help your retail business, whether small or large, roll into the new year on a high note. 

Happy Holidays!  We’ll catch up with you in 2020!  

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