A woman of many talents, Sarah Gallagher Trombley is both the Founder/CEO of Wolf’s Lane Consulting and a digital parenting author, speaker, and thought leader. Listen to her candid conversation with Stefanie about her newsletter, “Thoughts from a Digital Mom,” and her mission: helping parents navigate the digital world with and for their kids by providing insight, advice, and practical tips. Sarah’s work and messages cover a wide range of digital topics including how to set up digital house rules, understanding and implementing parenting controls, social media primers for adults, as well as how and when to choose the right devices for your child.

About Sarah: Sarah Gallagher Trombley is a media and technology leader who has spent her career optimizing content businesses. With more than 20 years of experience she possesses a deep understanding of how to grow and sustain consumer content ecosystems through revenue development, marketing, content strategy and partnerships. Sarah started her career in digital media because she has always been drawn to storytelling. She has worked for and with incredible digital brands including Time Inc, Conde Nast, Flipboard, Snapchat, MOMA, RBC, Rolex, The Good NewsRoom, Work & Mother, Hudson Valley Local News Lab, COZI TV and Carry Media. When she is not helping clients grow and optimize their digital content businesses, Sarah publishes a weekly newsletter on digital parenting, Thoughts from a Digital Mom. She and her husband, Brian reside in Pelham with their two tween-aged sons, Charles and Oliver.

Learn more at wolfslaneconsulting.com and “Thoughts from a Digital Mom” newsletter at tfadigitalmom.substack.com 

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