Tag: digitalmedia

What Does the World Look Like?

What Does the World Look Like?

In the first of a three-part series recapping Q1 2023, Eddie Wilders fills us in on the state of the digital media world. What does the forecast look like for ad spend?

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Can You Hear Me Now?

Can You Hear Me Now?

Podcast listenership and ad spending are higher than ever. Eddie Wilders explains why there are challenges on the ad side, but they are not impossible to overcome.

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Cheers to 5 Years!

SMB Media Consulting is celebrating its 5th Anniversary! Founder and CEO, Stefanie Beach, reflects on her inspirational journey as an entrepreneur.

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First Party Data….Is it Really the “Best Stuff?”

It's no secret that 1st party data is the most valuable asset. I am sure we have all heard "data is king!” So why is it that so few actually utilize it? Firs

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