Tag: digitalmedia

SMB Media Consulting

A Banned Beat: How a TikTok Ban Could Reshape Digital Advertising in the US

TikTok's rapid rise has made it a social media powerhouse, particularly for reaching Gen Z audiences. But what if the beat skips? With potential bans swirling, let's explore how a silenced TikTok could impact the world of digital advertising.

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SMB Media Consulting

How Google is Redefining Advertising

The traditional picture of a Madison Avenue agency, with suits and smoke-filled rooms, is fading faster than a click-through ad on dial-up. In its place, a new behemoth rises – the Google-powered advertising machine. But is Google just another ad giant, or is it reshaping the very landscape of how we reach consumers? What do you think?

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Digital Media Job Cuts: A Paradox of Layoffs and Openings

The digital media industry, once a seemingly unshakeable force, has been grappling with a wave of layoffs in recent months. But is this a sign of the end of digital advertising as we know it, or simply a necessary adjustment in a rapidly evolving landscape? What are your thoughts?

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SMB Media Consulting

2024 Unleashed: Top 10 Digital Marketing Actions for the Brave

What will it take to master the digital marketing realm in 2024? Eddie Wilders tells us the top 10 ways to make our mark on the new year.

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