Tag: covid

What’s the Prognosis for Telehealth?

As the coronavirus pandemic steamrolled everything about life as we once knew it, it changed the field of medicine arguably more than anything else.  

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Advertising and Marketing Tips for the 2020 Holiday Season

This year’s holiday shopping season will be like no other.  Although many consumers still plan on spending, habits and perspectives have undoubtedl

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Dating Apps Hit Sweet Spot During Covid

Dating and Covid.  Those sound like two things that should definitely not go together.  Yet, interestingly enough, dating apps are on the rise, even as soc

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E-commerce Skyrockets in 2020

Back in February 2020 (ah, a simpler time), total US retail sales were steadily chugging up a modest incline.  EMarketer had predicted 2.8% growth, w

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